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About Quinton

Holistic Massage Therapist & Lymphedema Practitioner 

A warm, charismatic, caring individual with a diverse career background, whose generosity, desire and passion to serve people and change lives, led him to turn his hands to Holistic Remedial Massage Therapy.


Qualifying in the U.K, Quinton’s natural ability to make people feel better was further developed by learning and emulating his Chinese colleague K.J. Cheung, a martial arts master in London, in his unique style of massage.

Quinton also worked very closely with Barry Pluke, an internationally renowned therapist based in London and attributes much of his unique style to the inspiration received from these gurus. He established his own practice in London prior to coming to Australia, after which he worked with Mr. Robert Chu, a well known practitioner and proprietor of the Dynamic Energy Centre in Bondi Junction, Sydney.


Quinton continues to treat his clients on an appointment only basis, offering home, office or clinic based treatments. His clientele range from the everyday person in need of treatment to celebrities, pop stars and the elite of the business world.


Treatments range from a relaxing massage to specific treatment plans relating to injury management, mobilization and ageing.


My Holistic Approach

Holistic massage therapy encompasses the body, spirit and mind. The treatment is specifically tailored to each client’s requirements, taking into consideration his or her physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. I believe that this can be achieved through the medium of touch.


Life today impacts our bodies in various ways, often leading to tiredness, anxiety, lack of sleep, exhaustion, improper diet and stress, which is a precursor to contracting diseases or serious illnesses. In addition, the everyday race against time means that one is always looking for a quick fix by turning to drugs.


As humans, we embody our conscious, unconscious belief systems and a whole range to emotions and sensations. In my experience over the years, as a holistic massage therapist, I believe that your muscles reflect your feelings and experiences to date and this determines your posture.


Placing my hands on a client a connection is established. This enables me to determine the level of treatment that is necessary and to vary the intensity accordingly.


A Holistic massage, besides relaxing muscles, releasing toxins and aiding the lymphatic system to discard waste from the body, can assist in identifying problems thus providing effective methods of rebalancing.


Physical and emotional stress and a myriad of other restrictive problems can be alleviated with a therapeutic touch.


Holistic massage encourages the mind to slow down, increases energy, improves concentration, circulation and the quality of sleep. It promotes deeper and more relaxed breathing and above all, can lift the spirit.


Finally, Life is simple so keep it that way and give yourselves the opportunity to heal naturally and therapeutically. 

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